Please read these instructions completely.
To celebrate the “end” of the Myan calender, today (12/20) and tomorrow (12/21), Download any two (2) kits (sorry, no textures) from this website and receive one (1) kit of lesser or equal value to the sum of both kits regular price, FREE.
After purchasing your two kits, you will need to send us an email (use the CONTACT page) to tell us which kit you want for free. If we are all still here after the 21st., your free download (no pre-printed allowed) will magically appear in you mailbox. Be sure to include the scale, and part number (or a real good description) of the kit you want, in your email. It would be a good idea to include your name and phone number, just in case there is a problem with email. (Sometimes filtering software interferes with downloads.)
Thanks, Dave & Thom Miecznikowski