Rushing to get "The Waterfront" DVD ready for Springfield
Sunday, December 15, 2013 at 11:12AM

Yep, our 14th. DVD is almost here.  Mostly loose ends and one major structure to test.  So, what’s on it?

In the past, we would put out the collection, on disk, long before individual kits were available.  We have broken from this some, in anticipation of everything being a download at some future point.  So, some of the structures have already been available.  There will however, be a substantial number of unreleased kits and materials to make this collection a worthy addition.

The centerpiece will be a rather large dock side cannery, a group of 3 structures.  Also Zelmer’s General Merchandise.

A stone and wood wharf with pilings, expandable to suit anyones needs.

The Marine Warehouse, Whitten’s Chandlery, Duke’s Boat House and boats, the “Clyde Puffer” steamship, Wrights General Repair, General Wire and Rope and the usual overstuffed “Extras. ” Am I forgetting something???  Probably.

Article originally appeared on Clever Models Paper Models for the 21st Century (
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