I guess I shouldn't work when I'm tired.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 at 9:45PM

As some of you have noticed, just about all of the buttons on the website mysteriously vanished temporarily.  In the process of pushing to get the Hotel loaded today (my only day off this week) I may have accidently sent them to a place far far away.  Luckily, most of them are back now.  You will find a few still missing like the “S Add to Cart”, “N Add to Cart” and “View Cart”.  The icons that are in the places where these buttons usually are do work and if clicked on, will take you where you want to go.  I will continue to restore what is missing and find is anything that has else has disappeared.  Sorry, I need a nap.

Update on Thursday, October 2, 2014 at 11:14AM by Registered CommenterDave

As of right now, I believe that all the missing buttons have returned to their proper places.  If you find any that aren’t back, let me know.

Article originally appeared on Clever Models Paper Models for the 21st Century (http://clevermodels.com/).
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