First of all I hope you had a great holiday and will have a great new year. I also hope we’ll have a great year too.
11 years in and I’m still making discoveries about the hobby. Over the years we have asked you all for opinions, ideas and outright help. Well we need your help now. Without a doubt, word of mouth is the most powerful marketing tool there is. No question about it. Its been a challenge for us to cover all the bases. We don’t always succeed and some times, most times, we do. I don’t want to make grand promises that we can’t back up. I can however promise that we will continue to release great new kits. That’s what we have done for 11 years. and that’s what we will continue to do.
So what can you do, as an individual, to help us. We need to grow. That doesn’t mean more kits. Those will come as they always have. We need more people to know about us. We hear it all time “I’ve got ALL the kits”, wow that’s an accomplishment. To know that our models are satisfying builders to that level that you get them all. Well, we need other new people to know how much fun your having. We want to keep you happy and keep challenging you with new models but (it’s a big but) the only way we will have a successful future is to grow the user base. We need to double or triple the number of people that see what we are up to and maybe try a kit or two.
That’s a task that you can do better than us. We are here but you are everywhere. If you share your work and experience with others, on forums, at club meets and train shows, let people know about us. Then you make a real impact with real results. So we humbly ask you to talk about Clever Models, because if we can’t grow the base, we can’t move enough old models to assure the flow of new ones. Plain and simple just filling the pipe line with new kits isn’t enough. We need new and fresh eyes on what we have been doing for the past 11 years.
You all have become like family. We all get strength from those ties. Let’s make it bigger and stronger.
I’ll work on filling the pipe line.