As some of you probably know, I recently did a three piece article for All Scale Rails e-zine that was a step-by-step build of Muchie’s Pawn Shop. It seemed to be fairly popular.
Well, I’m thinking of possibly doing additional articles in the zine about paper modeling. I have ideas for a bunch of articles, BUT I want to know, from YOU. What would you like to see dealt with? You can be VERY SPECIFIC with your requests. I intend to do very detailed descriptions of specific techniques that will elevate your level of paper craftsmanship. Paper modeling is unique in many aspects and I would like to detail as many of them as I can. BUT, AGAIN, I want to know what YOU want explained. So start posting your wants on the DISCUSSION page. We’ll see where it goes from there. Scratch-building, kitbashing, whatever. Anything having to do with paper models.
Thanks everyone. So far, a lot of great feedback. Keep it coming. Let me know what you really want to dig into.
You are correct in that a lot of what you mentioned was in the article. You should read it. I think you will enjoy it.
I haven’t talked to the editor yet about what and when, but we will get into many subjects IN DEPTH. Not just what to do, but why. How to think creatively and see how things can be put together to make make something that only YOU can conceive of.
I especially like the diorama idea. I’m not great at it, but I think I will tap brother Thom in that area.
Keep sending ideas!
I think this will be fun.