GALLERY / GET MODELS page update
Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 9:51PM

Just want to keep everyone informed with my progress.  If you go to the GALLERY PAGE, the first thing you will notice is that there are more pages, 18 in stead of 13.  I’m putting less on each page to make it more readable.  (I hope.)  Also pages 10 thru 18 are pretty much the way I want them.  Now I’m in a bit of a bottleneck.  I need to temporarily, make more room to move things around, so things will look funny for a couple of days.  Previously I said that there would be duplicates of some kits, but everything would still work, and it does.  I will be eliminating some of the OLD duplicates.  Kits that may have been in the first 9 pages will now be found in the last 9 pages.  They will be in reverse, numerical order.  I.E. Kit S01 is LAST.  I will probably be adding an index to make it easier to find things.  Thanks for putting up with the CHAOS.  It will be over soon.

Article originally appeared on Clever Models Paper Models for the 21st Century (
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