This usually happens with first time buyers, but not always. It’s usually, the virus protection software on your computer. Sometimes it decides it doesn’t like the download link that we send and diverts it to your TRASH or SPAM folders. Look there first and if you still don’t find the link, use the CONTACT button on the website to let us know so we can work with you to get you your file. You don’t have to wait to see if the file will show up. It should arrive within seconds of your purchase.
Paper (cardstock) is available in many thicknesses, finishes & colors. The simple answer is, For O and S scale models, use at least 65#. For HO scale, use 40# and for N scale and smaller, use 23#. You always want the smoothest and whitest that you can find. Most office supply stores carry cardstock in a variety of styles.
For you folks in countries that use the Metric System, here are some equivalents. They are approximate. I have rounded off the decimals.
#105 = 385gsm (grams/square/meter)
#65 = 244gsm
#40 = 150gsm
#24 = 90gsm
Also the rough size equivalent to 8-1/2” x 11” is A4, which is 210mm (8.27”) x 297mm (11.69”.
Even though A4 is narrower and taller than typical american sheet size, we locate the printing on the sheet so it shouldn’t matter.
Printers vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. All have good and not so good features. Regardless, you want one that has as straight a paper path as possible. The less you bend cardstock, the thicker you can go and thicker is usually better. We have always used and endorsed EPSON Ink-jet printers. They are relatively inexpensive, very well made and EPSON, Dura-Brite ink is the best in the business. It does not fade, dries instantly, does not smear and totally compatible with ACC glue which is what we suggest you use.
I typically use Bob Smith Industries, Inc. INSTA-CURE +.

Don’t let the label fool you. They relabel for many vendors. It is a gap filling, medium viscosity, 5-15 second drying time ACC. (Alpha-cyanoacrylate) Be careful to read the manufacturer’s warnings on the label. ACC can cause allergic reaction and respiratory distress. ALWAYS use it in a well-ventilated area. A word about drying time. Even though the label says 5-15 second drying time, with porous cardstock, assume you will have much less time. Correct, part placement, the first time is very important. Rocket card glue is also a great choice and less toxic. Water based glues like the typical “white school glue”, can be used, but be careful to not soak the cardstock as this type of water-based glue can.
The absolute minimum tool kit consists of:
A hobby knife with replaceable blades similar to Xacto #17. In a typical kit, you will go through 2-3 blades.
A 12” stainless steel straight edge. The typical “SCALE RULE” works well.
At least one 6” stainless steel straight edge. The typical pocket ruler with t-clip works well.
A self-healing cutting mat.
Any type of pointed (not sharp) tool that can be used to “emboss” fold lines. An empty ball point pen can work, in a pinch.
Back in September of 2016, we decided that, moving forward, we would only release kits in 1:48, O scale.
We had a number of reasons, but the main one was that it would allow us to bring new kits to market quicker.
It is a very simple process to scale a kit down to any smaller size when printing.
Most (all) printers allow you to print using a “reduction factor”. This will either be a decimal value or a percentage.
To determine what factor to use, divide 48 (O scale) by the scale you want.
E.G. If you want an HO kit, divide 48(O is 1:48)by 87(HO is 1:87).
You will get an answer of .551 (55%) Set your printer accordingly.
For your convenience, the most common scales use the following:
S scale = .75 (75%)
HO scale = .55 (55%)
N scale = .3 (30%)
Z scale = .22 (22%)
T scale = .1 (10%)
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