Solution Graphics
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The second installment of building Muchies Pawn Shop is on line

The latest issue of All Scale Rails E-zine has just come out and the second installment of building Muchies Pawn Shop is in it.  This completes the assembly of the basic building.  The next issue will feature building the building sign and we will go back and show how to add even more detail to some of the assembly.

Goto to see the article.


Firehouse update

After a very compriehensive period of checking our work the Firehouse kit passes our QC AND HAS BEEN UPLOADED to our server. This kit is a monster. One of you took advantage of my $9 buck sale. Lucky you. Your kit is on its way. The rest of you will be able to purchase yours just as soon as we can update the web sight. We haven’t set a price yet but it woun’t be $9 bucks. That would be insane.  It’s file size hovering around 150M.


3 Cortright Tin Shingle Patterns now available on the TEXTURES page for $2.25 each.


PHILLY MODULAR FLAT is now available

When you build this kit, please send in some pix that we can share.  Email them to <>.