NOTE: Some kits are available only in O Scale.
They come with instructions that will tell you
how to print them in ANY smaller scale.
If you would like to see a list of the kits on each page, click below.

P/N S34, Skippy’s Hot Dog Stand
Skippy’s is an actual building, located in Chicago.
It is sandwiched between two MUCH taller buildings and really shows the diversity of the architecture in the area.
Can’t really say too much about it. After all it is just a hot dog stand.
This intermediate level build will take about 4 evenings to complete.

P/N S35, Harvey’s Hobbies
This is a selectively shortened version of an actual shop, near our homes in Harvey, Illinois.
If I mentioned the name, all you Lionel guys, would know it.
It is still there although it has not been open for many years, running strictly through mail order.
The model scales out to 17’-3 wide x 17’-0 deep x 23’-0 to the roof peak. The actual building is over 50’ deep.
This is an intermediate level kit because of the false front and roof trim, but still easy enough for just about anyone.
There is a simplified interior included. There is also a hanging LIONEL sign that mounts to a pole between the front windows that is included, but not shown. Mounting is by the modeler.

P/N S39, The Flag Stop
The Flag Stop is a generic (no particular prototype) passenger structure found just about anywhere in the US.
It is small by most standards. The style and colors match our Small Town Depot kit, so they go well together.

P/N S40, Cream City Tool Works
This is our rendition of the actual Cream City complex located in the Milwaukee area.
The original photos of these fantastic buildings were taken by our good friend John Kosma.
He built the prototype model and we converted it to the kit version you see here.
I think it speaks for itself. This kit is only available in HO Scale because of it’s large size.
This is not a difficult kit, but it will take quite a bit of time to build.

If you would like to see a list of the kits on each page, click below.