NOTE: Some kits are available only in O Scale.
They come with instructions that will tell you
how to print them in ANY smaller scale.
If you would like to see a list of the kits on each page, click below.

P/N S90, 91, 92 & 93, The Union Hotel
The UNION HOTEL originally designed buy Harry Brunk
& updated by Bill Fornshell, is available in three versions.
The Red Brick you see here, as well as a Green Clapboard and a Yellow Clapboard version.
Also included is the Garage in both Gray and Red.
Lobby & back room interior walls, floors & ceilings & 2nd.
floor window, shadow boxes are included.
You should probably have a few paper models under you belt before attempting this kit.
Will take about 2 weeks to complete.
NOTE: This kit comes in O scale with instructions to print in ANY smaller scale.

P/N S88, The Stone Grainery
The Stone Grainery was formerly Freebie #14. And per our previous announcement, we are making is available again, this time as complete kit. It is a relatively small building with a lot of character and can be used in many different types of scenes.
NOTE: This kit comes in O scale with instructions to print in ANY smaller scale.

P/N S89, Muchie’s Pawn Shop
This kit is identical in footprint to Rudy’s Printing and they share some of the same pieces.
A simple 2 story brick and green clapboard building. Comes with a 1st. floor, partial interior.
This kit was the subject of a 3-part step-by-step assembly article in All Scale Trains E-zine, in 2016.
Links to the three issues are included. This is a intermediate level kit and will take about a week to complete.
If you download the three issues that show the build, it would be a nice gesture to make a donation to the E-zine.

P/N S85, The Clyde Puffer Steamboat
The Clyde Puffer is a flat bottomed, coal fired, steam powered, cargo boat.
They were used in the Firth & Clyde canal system and surrounding waters of Scotland.
Their steam engine made a characteristic puffing sound, hence, the the name.
They carried everything from coal to farm produce
and could be “beached” at low tide for unloading.
They were typically under 66’ in length so they could fit in the canal locks.
Our version has been selectively compressed to about 35’, but could be easily lengthened
by printing a second hull & deck sheet and splicing them together.
This is a fairly advanced level kit. Quite a few, “difficult to handle” pieces.
Plan on a couple of weeks to complete.
NOTE: This kit comes in O scale with instructions to print in ANY smaller scale.

P/N S84, National Stove
National Stove is just a small clapboard building that could be any one of a thousand different business’s. Its small footprint and triangular shape,
help it to fit into many awkward empty spaces that just cry out for a building.
Two different roof-top signs are included or you can make one of your own.
You also get all kinds of wall signs, duct work and an A/C unit that can be used or not, as you wish.
This is an easy kit to build and should go together in a couple of evenings.
NOTE: This kit comes in O scale with instructions to print in ANY smaller scale.