NOTE: Some kits are available only in O Scale.
They come with instructions that will tell you
how to print them in ANY smaller scale.
If you would like to see a list of the kits on each page, click below.

P/N S108, The Abandoned Railcar Shed
A simple shed made from two narrow gauge boxcars with a corrugated steel gable roof on top.
Not sure where the prototype shown is, but this kind of structure will work just about anywhere.
It is a simple kit and great for first timers. There are some small pieces to deal with,
but just about anyone should be able to put this kit together in a couple of long evenings.
The structure is about 34’ wide x 35’ deep x 21’ tall with 12” tall brick footings under the boxcars.
NOTE: This kit comes in O scale with instructions to print in ANY smaller scale.

P/N S107, The Wood & Steel Industry Complex
This complex of three buildings is only 1-1/2” deep, but it has some really deep character.
This is a fairly simple kit to build. Great for a first timer. It is made up of three buildings.
They are not intended to be used separately, but with a bit of ingenuity, they could be.
Bldg A, Right, is 21’-6 W x 20’-6 H x 2’-0 D. Bldg B, Middle, is 22’-6 W x 26’-9 H x 3’-9 D.
Bldg C, Left, is 16’-0 W x 37’-3 H x 5’-0 D. That makes the entire complex about 60’ wide.
Also includes is an 8’ deep loading platform and some crates.
A really fun kit. Great for those hard to fill spaces against a backdrop.
NOTE: This kit comes in O scale with instructions to print in ANY smaller scale.

P/N S106, The Narrow Gauge Backwoods
Engine Shack
A small, single track building, that could be used to house any type of equipment,
like a snow plow or small switcher.
It is an older building, but in good shape, though not very elaborate.
Just the thing you would find tucked away in the tall timber.
This is a fairly simple kit that modeler can put together in less that a week of evenings.
The footprint of the main building is 21’ x 12’-6 with a 6’ addition on the back.
The roof peak is at 21’ and the door opening is 8’ wide x 12’-6 tall.
NOTE: This kit comes in O scale with instructions to print in ANY smaller scale.

P/N S105, The 1912 Firehouse
This model is based on Firehouse #3, built in 1912 that still proudly serves Gary, Indiana.
It sits on the North East corner of 12th. Avenue and Roosevelt Street.
This version is not an exact copy but the front facade is very similar to the original.
Even though this is a very large kit, to make it an exact replica would make it far larger.
A modeler with average skill will require about two weeks of evenings to complete this kit.
It is a large 2 story building, measuring 28’ wide x 56’ deep and 37’ tall to the main roof
and 57’ tall to the tip of the hose hanging tower.
NOTE: This kit comes in O scale with instructions to print in ANY smaller scale.

If you would like to see a list of the kits on each page, click below.