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Entries by Dave (362)


What's going on at Clever Models 

Just wanted to let you all know what is coming up for Clever Models.

Some of you have mentioned that you have seen the “Clever Paper” displays in the MRC booth at various shows recently.  Just wanted to let you all know that they ARE NOT us and have nothing to do with us.  This is a Russian company that sells punch out, printed models.  They are not seriously detailed and really don’t pose any competition, BUT the name is causing some confusion.  We are hoping to avoid a battle with them as it is a waste of resources.  Please don’t be confused.

Some of you have suggested that we develop a serchable index of this blog.  Well, I am not the best coder on the planet, so I am in the process of taking a course that will hopefully, allow me to add more “automation” to this website.

I am making slow, but regular progress on setting up the files so that you can download the contents of entire DVD’s.  There probably won’t be much if any change in price, but you will be able to have immediate gratification.  (And save shipping and duties.)

Union Hotel is moveing along very slowly.  I’m sorry, my fault.  With the passing of our father, there has been a lot of things that needed to be and still need to be attended to.  Thanks for your patience.  MAYBE, since Jim has built it without too many complaints, we might release it with the caveat that there will be a second release when I’m finished with my build.

Getting back to the index, for a moment, we MIGHT be able to knock out an index page that will show you where to find pix, but since it won’t be dynamic, it will be a nightmare to keep updated.

The next event on out schedule is the Small Layout Design Meet at the Northwest Ohio Railroad Preservation Museum in Findlay Ohio on May 31st.  Much more info available at Marshall Stulls website <>  Lots of really innovative layouts to see and a miniature ride on steam train to boot.  (7-1/2” gauge IIRC)

Then the 34th. Narrow Gauge Convention, Sept 3-6 in Kansas City.  More info at <>.

We might try to do a few more things, but no firm plans yet.

Towards the end of the year will be Trainfest in West Allis WI.

As always, thanks for your support.




The Car Barn is now available in O HO & S

This is a very plain, very versatile kit that is a good one to learn about paper models on.  Check it out.  We think you will find lots of places where it will fit in.


Personal family update

Just wanted to let you all know that we really thank you (our extended family) for all your expressions of kindless and sympathy.  Our father did pass away, peacefully, the other day.  And while we will miss him, we have many great memories to reflect on.  He was and is a great inspiration to both Thom and me.  Again, thank you all for your support and concern.

Dave & Thom Miecznikowski


The WATERFRONT DVD is now available

Just a quick announcement that the WATERFRONT DVD is now available on the Get DVD’s page.  Please, if you experience any problems with a purchase, let me know as soon as you can at <>.  Every time I do this I get nervious that something will not work correctly.  (I’m not the best coder in the world.  But I’ll bet you already knew that.)  So, please send me an email with your feedback.

Thanks, Dave