Every model shown, on the following pages is an immediate download. Just click the appropriate button and you will be taken to a PayPal shopping cart. You can checkout from there or use the “back arrow” to continue shopping.
Not all kits are available in every scale. If a kit is not listed in your scale, you can purchase an O scale kit and print it at your smaller scale.
Setting you printer to print an O scale kit at a .75 (or 75%) reduction will produce an S scale kit. Printing at .54 (or 54%) generates an HO scale kit, .3 for N and .1 for T scale. Do not try to purchase a smaller scale kit and print it larger. It will not print correctly.
Printed Kits are still available by special order. Please use the MAKE CONTACT page to check for availability & receive a quote.
Send us an e-mail and include the item or item’s name, scale, quantity and part number. Also please provide your address so we can include shipping in our quote.
PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase a download, it should appear in you mailbox almost instantly. If it does not show up in a few hours, please contact us immediately.
Since some of the kits are large, you may be instructed to download more than one file. You will only be charged once, even though you may download 3 or more files.
Also if you have security software running that requires a response before allowing incoming mail, you may not receive your download. It may have been diverted to your SPAM or TRASH folders. Again, contact us so that we can make arrangements to send you downloads again.