Illegal screen grabs

Unfortunatly it has come to our attention that some morally challenged individuals feel it is all right to screen grab the sample textures displayed on this web site. It is not and constitutes theft of copyrighted material. We are taking action to stop this activity. We appologize to the honest majority who have continued to support our work.
To be absolutly clear. It is not OK to screen grab images from this website. It is THEFT and if you do it you are a thief and WE DO TRACK ALL WEB ACTIVITY and Square Soft records all page views and activity. That includes all server addresses.
Jee’s it’s only a buck and a quarter.

Reader Comments (6)
I aqgree with you about theft of copy rite material. I have no idea why folks would steal your textures since you have made them so affordable.
Take a look at Scale sceans and Paper Creek to see how they have solved the problem.
Keep up the good work. I love your models.:))
If your going to do a direct download business model you have to expect and except that there will be a little theft. It's an unfortunate fact of life.
Some of your model kits (this includes the DVD's) do not have photos of the completed model. In these instences I do capture a photo of a completed model to help me during constuction.
I hope you are not offened.
I'd hate people to see a model using a pirated texture get the wrong impression of our product. i remember some time ago. Back when we were printing everything. some one on the Atlas boards were saying how our printing wasn't as good as paper creeks. Well. they were looking at a knock off. Our printing (and the image files) are (were) far better than Paper Creek. I did a side by side comparison with a magnifying glass the quality and sharpness difference was shocking. Our textures even at a low 92 dpi are acceptable for a certain type of modeler. Some times i wonder why we bother.
regards Marc