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Kirk's Books now available.

Just made a small New England styled book store available on the MODELS page.  I tried something new and put a composite of 7 pictures there.  Hope you all like it.

Following up on some of our recent posts.  I was hoping to get out a lot of kits in the next couple of weeks and I still hope to,  but it will probably only be one more by Christmas and another by the end of the year.

The new disc will not make Christmas, but I’m hoping for early next year.


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Reader Comments (4)

Another winner! I really love the interior (it begs for a nice warm-white LED to brighten it up a little). As we usually do for Thanksgiving, I am isolated on an island and have only my laptop but I will be downloading this one on Monday. Even though it won't go too well on my southwestern layout, I think that it will go great on a series of modules I am helping our local club to build.

Keep up the good work!

November 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJim Gore
Jim, I purposely tried NOT to show it, but I went a little crazy with the interior on this building. And it is lit. For the initial release, I didn't want folks to think that a full interior was included. The pieces that I used are in the kit, but they must be "creatively enhanced" to take the kit as far as I did. Once I saw how big the windows were, I just couldn't help myself. When I get some time (HA HA) I will put more pix on this blog. I will post one pic shortly.
November 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDave Miecznikowski

I have just down loaded Kirk's Book Store. Congratulations on a fine looking kit. Oh, thanks a bunch for all the photos. I am sure that the photos will aid me in building the model.

Funny, at the moment I am building a craftsman kit of a small book store. I am naming this one "Brooklyn's Books"

As to being redirected after the comletion of the order I again was not returned to your web page. The link I was sent to is:

Again, thanks for the model,

November 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Humes
Lest you think the included interior is less then spectacular, I assure you it's everything you expect.
November 28, 2011 | Registered CommenterDave

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