Pix to go with reply to Steve on DISCUSSION side.

Steve, just wanted to show you that you can cram alot into a switching oriented layout, even if you don’t have a bunch of space. This is our traveling O scale layout, that we take to shows.

I’ve been asked for some follow up, so first, I sugest that you read Steves’ comment in the “pick your brains” on the discussion page, which will give you a bit of insight as to why I posted the pix.
To answer some questions.
The layout is currently 2’-6 x 16’. It is made of two 6’ and two 2’ modules. The 2’ end modules were supposed to be replaced with reverse loops in time for the O scale March Meet this year, but alas, didn’t git-er-dun. All the structures are, quess what, paper! The layout is actually a switching puzzle that I used to run at shows. Probably get back to that soon. Modules are very light weight. 6’ ones are about 20# tops. It can be set up (on table tops) by one person, in about an hour. Runs DCC. Has an On30 stub siding crossing the wide gauge at the far end. Built the whole thing about 6 years ago in two weeks. (minus buildings & DCC)

I’m sure this is too small to really see anything, but I was asked to post the trackplan. When you go from an AutoCad drawing to a .jpg, you loose alot of resolution.

Reader Comments (5)
Very nice. Lots of cardstock structures. My club is planning to do the same sort of thing in On30, using almost all cardstock models. Plus all of our On30 engines are radio-controlled and battery-operated DCC. First exhibition is at our annual railroad show in Palmetto, FL, the first weekend in March. I hope to have some pictures after that.
any chance of getting a copy of the track plan for the module?thanks
mel perry
Thanks for making a blog posting involving my comment. As you are very aware coming up with ideas in such a limited space is a challenge, and seeing what you have done with this layout is fantastic. One question, is the building next to City Wide a model from one of your disks or did you make it from textures?