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Thanks to all for your insight.

Really, everyone, your feedback is so important.  I do agree with everything said.  I do remember questioning the size of the Union Hotel.  I agree that it does seem disproportionately smalish, BUT it is true to the original drawings.  Coming from an engineering background SOMEDAY WHEN I HAVE SOME TIME  (HA HA HA) I would like to scale up the Union with room sizes and corridors based on what I know to be typical of the era.  I think it would end up being an imposing structure.  I might just do is as a quick mockup to see what you all think of it.  Don’t hold your breath.  It took 2 years to get the kit to market, this project might never get off my bucket list.  If anybody else wanto to take on a challenge like that, feel free.

Again, thanks for your help.  This doesn’t mean that you have to stop commenting.  If you still have something to say, have at it.

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