The models that time forgot.
As I focus on new and more elaborate models, it’s important to not lose sight of past models that have not gotten the attention they should. Especially during this season that seems to be a modeling desert. Summer sales are always bad and we appreciate your continued support. The small sales and donations really help. Personally I can’t understand when folks say they can’t find anything to build. We keep prices down so modelers can take chances and try new things without much risk. We have a very deep collection. (and getting deeper) It’s a bit hard to manage. Every kit needs to pull its weight. Prices on newer kits have creeped up but with items from $2 to $20, things are pretty reasonable. We have to sell a lot of $5 and $10 kits just to cover monthly costs, (Have you seen the cost of ads ?) and sometimes in summer we don’t. Still we’re hanging on and we still enjoy what were doing.
This isn’t aimed at the stallwart fans who have every DVD, but to the dozens of new friends joining every week. We are getting more visits and complimentery likes then ever, (thank you Facebook) yet sales are essentially flat. I hope all you new friends will go on the adventure with us. Try a freebie and hopefully come back and buy a small kit.
So I thought I’d post some pix of forgotten kits that I personally think never got enough attention.
This is one I really like that never sold well and I don’t know why?
The Wheel Wrights Shop. Talk about versatile. Where wouldn’t this look good?
For $9 bucks this is a lot of coolness.
Reader Comments (3)
Central Camera and Rudy are done and have their place, others are on the line. The whole thing is growing slowly. A few ones still need a purchase. But some are self-made like my Diner and a row of 5-6 story buildings.
Greetings from Germany
don't take it personally, it's an outstanding small kit, ed suydam, back before your time had alot of
interesting kits, that never sold well, if at all, and he scratched his head until the end, somethings you
can never explain, part of the price of doing business, keep pluggin away