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O.K., well this is interesting???

If you have read the previous post of mine and the two follow ups, you know that just to get the Mill kit on the website, I stuck it on the GALLERY page and then found out that I can put purchase buttons on that page.  Didn’t know that would work.

SO, this opens up an opportunity to maybe streamline things a bit.  I’m thinking that I might eliminate the GET MODELS page all together.  It’s a long story, but the hosting service that we use has limitations on what can be done on a particular page “STYLE”.  The page that the kits are on, can not be manipulated so that the kits are in any set order.  They “float” and even change order and it is out of my control.

The GALLERY page, on the other hand, is totally under my control, so now that I know that I can put buttons on that page, maybe I will change the way things work a bit.

So, my question to you all is, I am thinking I will display kits in order from newest at the beginning to oldest at the end, what do you think?  I could also group kits that are similar, another posibility.  I’m open to suggestions.

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Reader Comments (3)

As someone who only buys your kits rarely (limited money for hobbies) and usually because need certain building for space available having them grouped in type would be helpful. Having said I frequently buy new kits when announced because I like the look of them and think they would be enjoyable to build.The only other thing I'd like is for all the kits footprint to be available as make easier to plan when space is limited, however I also realise that this would take time to set up and would take you away from designing new kits (more important) and that time seems to flash past now a lot quicker than when I was a child.
Finally thank you for all your work without which my railway would have a lot less buildings as over here in England, American building kits are hard to find or very expensive and beyond my modelling skills and being able to print the kit and knowing that if I do mess up its easy to reprint one sheet.

Regards Roger Brookes on east coast of England
November 8, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterRoger Brookes
Hey Dave, can you do both? You definitely want your newest offers up front, but you could also group your older buildings into sets or collections, much like you have done with your downloads. Another idea, if possible would be to have "create your our collection" where you could add 4 to 5 building that individualy cost X or less forc$30. Obviously excluding special buildings. Just some thoughts. Cheers.
November 8, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterPeter
Yes, you should do this. Having a page with information about a product which does not have a direct way to purchase that product is a mistake. The gallery pages cost you sales every time someone comes to the site, lands in the gallery and then can't figure out how to buy that item.

I'd also suggest you update the main page of the site -- which still says...

"There are ten (10) complete structure kits and twenty-four (24) high resolution textures."

...and it still shows a graphic of your shingles kits. You've got a button on every page about Creeky Shingles... that leads to a page that says they're sold out! Drop that page and that button!

I'd also start grouping types of buildings together, with an option to buy a collection of that type of building -- all on the same page. If someone wants to build a waterfront, send them to the waterfront page. If they want urban brick buildings, send them there, etc.
November 13, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterDan H

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