WOW! Been a long time!

I know it’s been ages since we posted a new kit for sale. Almost a year. Well, today’s the day. Woolworth’s 5&10¢ store is now available. I really hope you all like this kit as I have been working on it a long time. I’ve had it done, probably 5 or 6 times, but every time I was ready to put it on the site, I’d find something that just wasn’t quite right or something I just had to add. Well, anyway, it is here and I think you will like it. It is a large (35’x40’x28’) 2 srory brick building, very typical of turn-of-the-century architecture. There are a few possible variations that can be built. (signage and window treatment) This kit contains 40 pages of graphics. The most we have ever done. Even more that the GORRE Enginehouse. Comes with 12 pages of instructions and many assembly views, so that, even though we consider this an expert level kit, with a little care, any modeler can build it. Hope you enjoy it.

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