Here'S FREEBIE #17

Hello folks. It’s been a while since we’ve had a new freebie. Well this one is special, It is called Building D. You may ask, why Building D. Why not A, or B, or C. There’s a bit of a story behind that name. If you have been around this webside for any amount of time, you are probably familiar with one of our most popular kits, The Cream City Tool Works. That kit has the distinction of being the only kit that has only been available in HO scale. Cream City, which is a real complex of three buildings, (A, B & C) is located in Milwaukee Wisconsin. Typically, we develop a kit in O scale and scale it down from there, but Cream City is just so large that I was never able to do it in O scale without a bunch of splices in the walls. This kit, while not an actual building is what I used to develop the techniques needed to produce the O scale kit. That kit is not here yet, but it is coming, so consider this a “taste”, a “prelude”, a preview of things to come”. Stay tuned. It will be a while yet, but it is coming. Anyway, this Freebie is not typical of what we usually do, it is a fully detailed kit with all the bells and whistles. It even has provisions for an interior. I hope you like it.

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