Solution Graphics
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Illegal screen grabs

Unfortunatly it has come to our attention that some morally challenged individuals feel it is all right to screen grab the sample textures displayed on this web site.  It is not and constitutes theft of copyrighted material.  We are taking action to stop this activity.  We appologize to the honest majority who have continued to support our work.

To be absolutly clear.  It is not OK to screen grab images from this website.  It is THEFT and if you do it you are a thief and WE DO TRACK ALL WEB ACTIVITY and Square Soft records all page views and activity.  That includes all server addresses.

Jee’s it’s only a buck and a quarter.




For many of you out there, you already know that most of our textures and kits have been available as instant downloads.  (Because while we have been in the lengthy process of adding them, you have been “finding” them.)  For the rest of you here is the official announcement that all of our current textures, all of our Volumn 1 kits and a couple of NEW kits are available as instant downloads.  (We have eliminated a couple of our items like signs and the like, but they will be back in a better and more organized form soon.)

The process is simple.  Go to either the TEXTURES or MODELS pages.

On the TEXTURE page you will see a bunch of thumbnails.  To get a much bigger view, click on a thumbnail and a new view with “ADD to CART” buttons will appear.  Just click a button to purchase.  You will be directed to your shopping cart and will be given instructions how to check out from there.

On the MODELS page you will see the same pix that you are familiar with, if you have been here before, but you will also see “ADD to CART” buttons, which you click on to purchase.  If you click on the picture, you will be taken to a better view.

Full instructions will be given on how to download the files when you click on an “ADD” button.

We will continue to keep adding new items as fast as we can, so keep watching for new arrivals.  By the way, there are four new textures available now that our Steel Mill customers might like.  Take a look.

Dave & Thom


A couple of new models

We have had lots of requests for low relief background buildings.  For a while, I hesitated to make them because I was out to prove that card stock models could stand right up front next to the finest wood models.  Well, we proved that a while ago and I have designed a couple “flats” and included them on our disks.  Well, there are a lot more that I had made for my own layout.  There are at least 6 that are ready to go.  Now that we are making kits available as downloads, you will start to see them becoming available in the next few days.  Here are two flats that are ready to go in all 4 scales.  These are computer renderings and are not as dimensional as the real paper kits. Hope you like them.


A great model build from Steve Janninck

Recently Minuteman scale models ran a build contest for one of their great little kits. the runnaway winner was Steve Janninck’s “sky train” model. We are completely flattered that Steve chose to use our car shed model as a basis for the hanger of this great dio.

heres a couple of pix and a link to pix of the build.