Follow up to Another Update (It will never end.)
Thank you, thank you thank you! I appreciate the responses and comments. So far, very positive. To answer a question, page 6 is empty because there needs to be more stuff added and I haven’t gotten there yet. And as a reply to the suggestion to reverse the page numbers, so oldest is on page 1 and newest on 24. DUH! Why didn’t I think of that. It is never too late. I am going to reverse the order of the pages. (Not the kits) This is the kind of thing I was refering to in one of my previous posts about learning a lot about coding and making thing more simple. This change will not be very difficult. Reguarding the question about the Waterfront kits not being available individually, we have many kits on many DVD’s that haven’t been available by themselves. I am working on that. You notice that there are gaps in the numbering system. That’s because those kits need to be added. It just takes time.