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Get Models page issue.

You may have noticed that we haven’t posted any new kits recently.  The main reason is that we have run out of space for kits on the GET MODELS page and since Squarespace, our hosting service has migrated to their latest version, 7.0, we would have to upgrade to get more space.  We currently run on version 5.0 which is an “inconvenience” for them to continue to support.

Moving to the new version will be a masive task.  While there is a migration path, it is still basically starting from scratch and frankly, at this point in my life, I would much rather run trains.  We could put new kits on the GALLERY page, as we did with WOODS MILL.  We are tyring to decide which direction to take.    Putting new kits on the gallery page is kind of clunky as older kits could stay where they are.  We may move them all kits to the GALLERY page and call it something else.  Textures will remain as they are.

I guess this is progress as I will have to learn to do things a new way.  You will still be able to just click a button to buy.  Stay tuned.


I appologize.

I’m sorry I didn’t wish everybody a MERRY CHRISTMAS, but we had a pretty hectic week which included a death in the family on Christmas Eve.  Things have settled down a bit and we are working through the situation.  We hope you all had a very good Christmas holiday and we do want to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Dave & Thom


WOW! We are honored!

Got these pix the other day from Ben Streeter.  You will all probably recognize the layout, but if you don’t, this scene in on George Sellois’s Franklin and South Manchester.  I am told that he took a model of the tower you see here and overlayed it with some of our textures.  It just goes to show you what a master can do with our textures.  He even embossed all the brick lines.  I am blown away!  In case you are wondering, that is our Old Brick, on the walls and our Gray Diamond Shingle on the roof.  Ben is good friends with George and says that he often gives credit to Clever Models when speaking about his creations when he hosts an open house.  Thank You George.


I'm sorry. I don't mean to rant, BUT.

Sorry, I need your help.  I don’t know how to put every bit of useful information contained in this website, on the top line of the very first page.

That apparently is what everyone wants, because I CONSTANTLY get emails asking questions that are clearly answered if you will just take the time to read a bit of what is already here.

I realize that the current generation has no time to bother and they want everything handed to them immediatly.  Well, model railroading ain’t like that.

I know, I’m just being an old fuddy-duddy.  I’m sure I’ve already ticked off everyone and nobody is ever going to read anything here any more.

I do realize that this website has grown to enormous size and it is so much easier to ask than look.  So be it.  I will continue to answer even the dumbest questions, no matter how many times they are asked and no matter how much time it takes.

I’m wondering if FAQ page would be helpful?  I’ve probably just answered my own question.  Of course it would be.  So maybe I’ll put one together.

Thanks for listening.  I feel better now.