I'm sorry. I don't mean to rant, BUT.
Sorry, I need your help. I don’t know how to put every bit of useful information contained in this website, on the top line of the very first page.
That apparently is what everyone wants, because I CONSTANTLY get emails asking questions that are clearly answered if you will just take the time to read a bit of what is already here.
I realize that the current generation has no time to bother and they want everything handed to them immediatly. Well, model railroading ain’t like that.
I know, I’m just being an old fuddy-duddy. I’m sure I’ve already ticked off everyone and nobody is ever going to read anything here any more.
I do realize that this website has grown to enormous size and it is so much easier to ask than look. So be it. I will continue to answer even the dumbest questions, no matter how many times they are asked and no matter how much time it takes.
I’m wondering if FAQ page would be helpful? I’ve probably just answered my own question. Of course it would be. So maybe I’ll put one together.
Thanks for listening. I feel better now.