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O.K., well this is interesting???

If you have read the previous post of mine and the two follow ups, you know that just to get the Mill kit on the website, I stuck it on the GALLERY page and then found out that I can put purchase buttons on that page.  Didn’t know that would work.

SO, this opens up an opportunity to maybe streamline things a bit.  I’m thinking that I might eliminate the GET MODELS page all together.  It’s a long story, but the hosting service that we use has limitations on what can be done on a particular page “STYLE”.  The page that the kits are on, can not be manipulated so that the kits are in any set order.  They “float” and even change order and it is out of my control.

The GALLERY page, on the other hand, is totally under my control, so now that I know that I can put buttons on that page, maybe I will change the way things work a bit.

So, my question to you all is, I am thinking I will display kits in order from newest at the beginning to oldest at the end, what do you think?  I could also group kits that are similar, another posibility.  I’m open to suggestions.


Ain't technology grand?

I have been trying to load the Woods Mill kit to the website for a couple of days now and because of a “technicial” issue, have been unable to do so.  I have our hosting service working on it, but alas, I fear things won’t be working by Trainfest, like I planned.  You can actually order the kit right now, but I can’t show you any pix.  I was planning to offer the kit at the introductory price it will be selling at Trainfest for, which is $25.00.  After Trainfest, the price is supposed to change to $29.95.  All I can tell you today is that once I get this qlitch fixed, I will make the kit available for the discounted price for at least a week.  If you don’t want to wait, contact me and I will send you a PayPal invoice, which can be paid with PayPal or a credit card.  I will then, manually, send out the download link.  Sorry for this inconvenience, but sometimes stuff happens.  You can use our “CONTACT” page or send me email directly at


Ge Whiz! I almost forgot!

Our buddy Jerry Leads sent this the other day which reminded me that I forgot to put the kit up this year.

Man!, growing old ain’t fun.  The kit is in the FREEBIES page now and will be for a bit.




Trainfest Update 10/17/2017

Finally have a location I can show you, to help you find us at Trainfest, November 11 & 12.

Hope to see you all there.  Yea, I know the size looks smaller.  I’m getting that worked out.