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Back roads of Indiana

The fine people of Hobart Indiana might disagree with the back roads thing, but this Chicago boy, (formerly) likes this little town stuff. While taking the dogs to the vet, I passed this used car lot and the quanset hut caught my eye. What a nice little variant on our old chestnut kit.


Finally, I'm happy with the waterwheel teaser.

As you all know, I was concerned that most folks would not be able to build the waterwheel satisfactory.  Well, I’m finally pretty happy with the way its worked out.  It will be a time consuming build, but VERY rewarding.  Just thought you all should get a look.  So now I’m into the instructions.  I know its been over a year, but we’re getting really close.  The last pic shows a jig that will be included to make accurate positioning of the spokes easier.


Woods Mill delivery update 06/26/2017

Hello again everyone.  I want to thank you all first, for buying the preliminary kit and second, for getting back to me to let me know you have your kit.  So, for the time being, all is well with the mill.

Well, not quite all.  The water wheel is turning out to be a real bugger.  I consider myself a fair model builder.  Maby a bit better than average.  I have put the basic wheel together and it is a handfull.  Maybe two or three handfulls.  I can’t release it in its current state.  I need to be certain that the average builder has at least a shot at getting it together without a lot of stress.  I know most of you that are following this could handle it, no problem, but I must keep working to develop assemply methods that will work for all, or at least most.

This will deffinitely not be for the first time builder.  In the mean time enjoy the mills you have.


Woods Mill delivery update 06/17/2017

Folks, I asked you to let me know if you received your download link.  So far, 9 of you have.  If you don’t get back to me by next Saturday, (06/24/2017) I will assume that all is well and you are all happy satisfied customers.  That will also mean that if you have a problem after that date, I WILL NOT send you a new link.  (Unless you have a really, really good reason.  Like you were vacationing in North Korea and the wouldn’t let you email.)
