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Entries by Dave (362)


Quick Note from Dave

As many of you have already figured out, my personal email got hacked.  I appologize for the emails from me in the Ukraine that were sent.  NO, I didn’t move the company and I hope I have contained any furthed nonsense.



Follow up to DISCUSSION thread about RURAL CHURCH model.

Happy new year to all.  Just wanted to give you all some info about a discussion topic.  Seems that one of our regular builders, Ron, was having trouble with the front entry to the Rural Church Model.  After reading his email and looking at some pix he sent, I realized that there is indeed a problem with the kit.  It turns out that the doorway in the front of the steeple entrance is about 4 board to low.  If built the way it currently is, the door will be below the steps that are supposed to lead up to it.  It is an easy fix for an experienced modeler, and that may be why I haven’t heard about it before, but for a newer modeler, the fix might not be so obvious.  Just cut the doorway opening 4 boards higher and make some longer trim pieces.  I am in the process of fixing MY mistake and will be correcting the kit files as well as making the corrected pieces available on the FREEBIES page.  Unfortunately, with my current work schedule, it may take me a while.  I wouldn’t look for anything for at least a week.

Sorry for the poor quality control.  (I’m still trying to figure out why I didn’t run into this during the test build.)


Kudos to Rich


I gotta tell ya, for a first time builder, you have really figured out what paper modeling can be.  While I want every one of our customers to buy every kit we turn out, I also want them to realize that they have an inexhaustable supply of kit-bash and scratch-building material available.  And the great thing is, is that it is usually left over from a kit that you already paid for.  This is a whole nother aspect of building with paper that I want to encourage everyone to try.  Way to go Rich.  Keep up the great work.



If you notice thing moving around on the GET MODELS page......

Hello folks.  I have been wanting to reorganize the GET MODELS page for quite a while to get the kits in “Part Number” order.  As I have been trying to organize things, I have been having a bit of trouble with things moving to places that they shouldn’t.  Don’t know why it is happening and everything is worling correctly as far as purchases go.  I have the hosting sevrice working on the issue.  In the mean time, you may have to scroll around to find the kit you are looking for.  I hope I will get this fixed soon.