We have been asked many times to please make the GORRE enginehouse available as a download. Well, here she is. This is not an EXACT replica although it is authorized by the NMRA who owns the rights to all things from the late John Allen’s estate. We have made minor embellishments to the kit, such as adding doors where John had none. There are also a variety of stacks that can be built.
This is a new departure for us in that these are very large files. Please be prepared to have a good steady internet connection before you attempt to download.
The building is 35’ wide x 62’ deep w/ 15’-7-1/2 track centers.

This is a new departure for us in that these are very large files. Please be prepared to have a good steady internet connection before you attempt to download.
The building is 35’ wide x 62’ deep w/ 15’-7-1/2 track centers.
O Scale $24.95 HO Scale $19.95