Getting to know you...da da da da da dada

I try to keep track of the folks who visit us. Not to great detail but I like to know what our reach is. It’s rather facinating to see the spread. Theres the group who are involved in the discussions and blog and then a seperate group who downloads kits via Payloadz and still another group who seems to prefer purchasing the dvd’s.
Certainly there is cross over but the group who downloads but otherewise stays to themselves are very diverse and very interesting. I’d love to be able to converse with more of them. Because of the automation involved with downloads we don’t have much opportunity for contact. What an interesting group they are. From all over the world, both men and women. I can’t help but wonder do they like us? Are they happy with our products? Do they read the blog?
So I’m reaching out to those who have not made contact. Just say Hi. I’m setting up a section in discussions so you can do just that. don’t want to get into a deep discussion, that’s fine just say Hi.

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