Next week

We will be releasing our new line of starter and budget disks. One of the disks is called “More Brick bldg.”
There will be 3 kits plus extras. These disks will be a flat 20 bucks. This one will have, “The Jefferson Ice Co.”, .”The Small Machine Shop” and “The Brick Mercantile”. I know not the most creative names.
I want to talk about the brick version of our popular mercantile building. the original merc. is a small odd triangular building. If I hadent seen similar buildings in real life, I wouldn’t believe any one would build such a narrow structure. There are several in Chicago. the “Matchbox Tap” comes to mind. At one end, I don’t think it’s 8 feet wide. Back to the point. What makes this building so usefull is that it fits so many hard to fit spots. It’s just enough of a view break on a layout to help define a scene. I have three of them on my layout and it’s really small. It’s just the most usefull structure I’ve ever seen.
Not wanting 3 identicle buildings on my layout, I made this brick version and we are finally making it available.
Here’s a CG rendering of the model.

Reader Comments (6)
Have you given any consideration to making the 3 kit set available as a download purchase?
It's the shows that provide the deadlines that motivate getting the disks done.
The "Jackson collections" are a bit of an experiment to see if a lower cost collection will boost sales. Some people still hesitate to spend $39.95 for a disk even with as many as 10 kits on them. (we have thought for a long time that 10 kits on a disk is too much) 3 kits plus extras for a flat $20 may be more attractive to people who haven't experienced card stock before.
Dale Wilson, Alpharetta, Ga.