Quick repeat message for newcomers to this website.

You may be wondering what the “MAGIC NUMBER” is all about. We have always had some free kits available on the FREEBIES page of this website. We would put up a new kit whenever we felt like it. A few months ago we decided that YOU the customer would get involved with how often we add a new kit. SO the MAGIC NUMBER. It represents the number of items sold since the last freebie was added to the page. Every time the number reaches 200, a new freebie gets put up and the previous one vanishes. SO, how offten we deliver a new freebie is totally up to you. The more items you buy the sooner there will be a new free kit. BUY, BUY, BUY!
And, you have been buying. We have reached a milestone. This is the first time we have reached 200 sales in less than a month. 25 days to be exact. And while we are grateful, if most of the sales are really small, (we have a lot that is available for only $1.99) it still makes it really dificult to operate. So, as I said in the previous paragraph, BUY, BUY, BUY! (And then buy some more.)
I know, you are saying, “but there haven’t been any new kits for a really long time”. Thanks for your patience. They are coming.

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