Customers have reported getting a message that says SORRY, product no longer available. If you get this message PLEASE let me know as soon as possible at <>. None of our kits are “no longer available” unless it says it right up front, where you see the picture of the kit. It has to do with our download service assigining “new”, internal part numbers. I don’t know why they are doing it. I believe it has something to do with how long the item has been listed. Its only happened 2 or 3 times so far. I am trying to find out more information. In any event, I just have to make a very simple adjustment in the listing and the item will be available again. Takes me about 5 minutes, but I have to know there is a problem. So, PLEASE let me know if you experience this. THANKS.

Reader Comments (4)
Why would you want to replicate this. It is just an occasional issue that I wanted customers to be aware of in case they experience it, they know that there is an easy fix, if they will tell me about it.